Guest Designers


Monday, July 27, 2015

Challenge 272 ~ Always Anything Goes

Welcome to another new challenge
at Craft Your Passion :)

It's always such a delight to see your 
creativity and to read your comments.
Thank you :)

Our sponsor is...
Rick St. Dennis

Prize : 2 Single Images of Choice from Store

Rick St,dennis MFA has been an artist, designer, stage designer and instructor for over 45 years, you can find his full Bio here. His digital stamp images can be found on Zibbet or Etsy . Inspiration projects from the Rick St.dennis Elite
 Design Team can be found on the Sparkle and Glitter blog, or for the darker images on the Airless Chambers blog.
Rick also has a personal blog  and on Facebook there is the Rick St.dennis Digi fans and friends group, showcase your cards and other projects using RSD images there to be eligible to win prizes.

Always Anything Goes

Here's some absolutely amazing inspiration from Team B
featuring images kindly provided by our sponsor...

Tina GDT2
Sadly her last make for us but just fantastic.

Just a reminder that our September Guest Designer Call is still 
open if you would like to put your name down


Tina said...

Thank you all for my time with you as GDT. It has been a real pleasure working with such a gifted bunch of crafters. Hugs Tina.xx

Fikreta said...

beautiful dt cards
have a nice day

Wendy said...

Awesome DT samples. Love the Rick St. Dennis stamps the team used on their projects. Thanks for the "anything goes" challenge!

Christina Hor said...

Lisa and DT, thank you for having me part of your team this month. It has been so much fun and a pleasure commenting on the remarkable creations by so many talented crafty friends. Wishing you all a lovely week. Hugs - Christina

Donna Ellis said...

Such a wonderful diversity of pretty cards from the DT! Congratulations to Christina for her GDT spot. Thanks for letting me play!

Unknown said...

Love all of the gorgeous DT Creations!! Thanks for another fun challenge!

- Susan
{Scrap A Thousand Words}
Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT

Patty Sue 2 said...

I am in awe of the beautiful cards by the DT! Lovely work! Thank you for letting me play in your challenge.

Tracy Welham said...

Lovely blog & fantastic work from the DT. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

Karen said...

Gorgeous creations from everyone! Smiles.xx

Karen P said...

Thank you for a fun challenge and wonderful DT inspiration Karen